Even though temperatures will be much cooler today and near 80 degrees, the sun’s UV radiation is very high.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the index for our region is 8-10, which means your skin can approximately take 15 to 25 minutes to burn.
What is UVA radiation?
Ultraviolet radiation comes from the sun. It’s the rays from sunlight that you feel on your skin.
3 Different Types of UV Rays
Not absorbed by the ozone layer. These rays can penetrate deep into your skin and can cause skin cancers. These rays can also have effects on the surface of your skin and can cause burning, tanning, and signs of aging.
Mostly absorbed by the ozone layer, but some rays can reach Earth’s surface. These rays can have effects on the surface of your skin and can cause burning, tanning, and signs of aging.
Completely absorbed by the ozone layer
Can you still get burned on cloudy days?
Yes, you can still get burned from UV radiation on cloudy days, depending on the thickness of the cloud. Cloud coverage can reduce UV radiation, but sometimes it can increase it.